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Ways to Help


We invite you to join our mission.

Together, we can make a lasting impact in healing trauma and building hope in our community.


Become a sustaining, monthly contributor

Becoming a sustaining, monthly contributor is an effective way to ensure that your funds make a lasting impact.


We are asking donors to partner with us to ensure our organization sustains its mission.


Click on the donate button at the bottom of this page and select which fund you would like to contribute to, and check the box next to monthly donations. Select “use my funds where needed most” if you do not wish to designate a particular fund.

Support group

Restorative Justice

Currently, we run an Adult Restorative Justice Program for Leon County and we are grant-funded through the City of Tallahassee. However, if you would like to see Restorative Justice grow in our community, please consider donating to this fund.


Your donation can help us taking on more cases. You can click on the Donate button and select “Restorative Justice”.


Community Connections Peer Mentors


This initiative provides stipends to selected graduates from the Community Connections Program to come back and volunteer as peer mentors. These individuals support other teens in developing empathetic communication skills within the program.


Community Connections teaches empathetic communication skills to teens referred to the program through diversion, a part of probation, or simply community referrals.

Ready to help?

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